Digital Learning-Tuesday, May 5th

 Happy Cinco de Mayo! Today we are going to practice the /ks/ sound for the letter X. The zoo phonics animal for the letter X is Xavier Fox. You can make his signal by crossing your arms in the shape the letter X and say the letter sound /x/, (“ks”). The “x” in Xavier comes at the front of the name, but the “x” in “fox” comes at the end.

Take a look at the picture and name the objects with the /ks/ sound for x at the end of the words. Hint: there are a total of 6.

The /ks/ sound for the letter X is at the end of many words. Look at the pictures below and listen for the /ks/ sound at the end. Only the pictures that end with /ks/ can go in the box. Don't get tricked! Three of the pictures do not belong. 

We have also been learning about the different parts of a book and who makes a book. The author is the person who writes the story, and the illustrator makes the pictures. We can find this information on the title page of the book. Click on the link to watch a quick video: 

Great work today! We will see you tomorrow with more words to practice that end with x.