Digital Learning Day 1

Hi sweet friends, and welcome to our digital class page! Today, we are going to review the letter L. Do you remember the Zoo-phonics animal for Ll? It's Lizzy Lizard and her signal is to place your hands under your chin with your elbows lifted up above, level with your shoulders. Say the letter sound, "l." You try it! 

Let's play, "I Spy." Point to the objects below that begin with the sound for the letter L and name them, stretching out the /l/ sound. Don't get tricked! I found 14. How many did you find?
Finally, practice reading these decodable words three times. Use a different voice each time you read the words, just like we practice in class. Use your whisper voice, monster voice, and our favorite, opera voice. 

Great work friends! Remember that we love you and we are proud of you! ~Mrs. Simonson and Mrs. Rhodes