Digital Learning Day 8

It's a wonderful Wednesday! Today we are going to review and practice the short /i/ sound. Inny Inchworm is our Zoo-phonics friend for the short /i/ sound. His signal is done by moving your index finger up and down, like an inchworm, while making the /i/ sound. Give it a try!

Look for the letter i in the poetry poster, Baking. Did you notice the letter is at the beginning of some words and in the middle of words too?

Our sight word of the week is... with. Oh my, I noticed the short /i/ sound in the middle of the word with! To play our sight word game, "What's Missing?" click on the video below:

Can you write a sentence using the word with? Use our story pages below to help you get started.

Thanks for checking in today! We will see you tomorrow with more activities to help you review the short /i/ sound.