Digital Learning Day 7

It is a terrific Tuesday! We are continuing our review of the letter Ww and the sound it makes. Do you hear the /w/ sound in any of the title words for the book I Went Walking? Click on the red link below to listen to a read aloud of this story. Can you count how many times you hear the /w/ sound in the story?

Can you name the animals that were in this story? What did this story make you think about? It reminded me of the story Brown Bear, Brown Bear.
After you listen to the story, take a walk around your house or yard. Pick an object to write about. What color is it? Finish this sentence by writing the color word and the name of the object on a piece of paper:
I saw a _____________   ________________ looking at me!

I saw a white dog looking at me! This is Ms. Simonson's white dog, Miles.

This is Ms. Rhodes' white dog, Bella.

Here are some things you can search for in your yard on a sunny day:

Have fun searching and we will see you back here tomorrow!